Welcome to the 30th annual Texas State Employee Charitable Campaign!

You can make a difference by giving. You can help provide meals to people that are hungry, service dogs for our veterans, help for cancer survivors, support for shelters for survivors of domestic violence, and other programs that help Texans be healthy, safe, and strong.

Your support is needed now more than ever. Thank you for your consideration!

Next Steps


  • Gave online before? Click on the “Existing Donors Login Here” button above
  • New online donor? Click on the “New Donors Register Here” button

Decide How Much to Contribute

  • Consider giving $2 per paycheck. If half of all state employees gave just $2 per paycheck, it would raise $3 million to help fellow Texans in need! #Stronger2gether

Pick Your Charity

  • Choose from 800+ charities that serve communities across Texas and around the world
  • Click on “Main Menu” at the top left-hand side of this page and then select “charity lookup tool” to view current charities
  • Charity Guide

"How To" Make an Online Contribution


  • Please contact your SECC Local Campaign Manager with any questions we can help answer (See the Main Menu under "Contact Us")




Charities Supported




Average Donation